关于Business Analytics
这里有个非常常见的误区,很多人都不会注意到Business Analyst 和 Business Analytics的区别,这两个是非常不一样的领域。
Busienss Analyst是非常传统的商科领域,并不算一个什么专业,而Business Analytics才是新兴的跨学科的一个较为热门新兴的专业,这里引用Quora上的答案区分这两者的区别:
Business analytics (BA): refers to the skills, technologies, practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning.[1] Business analytics focuses on developing new insights and understanding of business performance based on data and statistical methods. In contrast, business intelligence traditionally focuses on using a consistent set of metrics to both measure past performance and guide business planning, which is also based on data and statistical methods.
( 大概概括就是运用编程,统计,数学,商学的知识分析市场,用到的主要是python, R,SQL之类的,比价类似的还有Busienss Intellgence——负责传达分析商业目的计划和沟通码农的的,但如果你商科背景充足而且你有足够的兴趣,完全也可以做Business Analyst的工作的)
Business Analysis(BAs):
1. BAs do a lot of writing, and being able to write clearly and quickly is important (as is being able to make clear diagrams in you favourite bubble-and-line modelling language).
2. Analysis (duh) is as important, and this includes being able to (a.) learn new businesses, (b.) have on-the-fly insights and ask good questions during interviews and meetings, and (c.) being able to reflect on the dump truck of information you gather to spot inconsistencies in the details and to step back and ask big questions about things your clients take for granted.
3. Business acumen (again, duh), that is, having clear ideas about what's good for "the business". This includes knowing what the organization prioritizes (cost cutting? high-touch service?), having a low tolerance for waste and inefficiency in processes, being able to identify opportunities and issues that "the business" might miss (e.g., records retention, privacy, opportunities for process or system consolidation), and being aware of organizational politics.
( 传统商科出来就能干,不需要很多数学,统计,编程,主要运用Excel,和财务分析等技能)
目前加拿大只有三所商学院开设了MSc BA项目,分别是Queen,Ivey,York,就业竞争应该不算大,就业率都相当不错,在美国类似项目,基本上都是所在上商学院就业报告里就业率最高的项目,当然如果你是想通过学BA去做Data Scientist那就非常难度大了,除非你之前的背景就非常CS和Math,或者你自学疯狂下功夫。