
7381 2018-11-13
雷丁大学亨利商学院成立于1945年,至今已有70多年的历史。是当之无愧的英国商科的元老。当大家在讨论商学院时经常会听到一个名词“国际三大认证的商学院(Triple accreditation)”.

雷丁大学亨利商学院成立于1945年,至今已有70多年的历史。是当之无愧的英国商科的元老。当大家在讨论商学院时经常会听到一个名词“国际三大认证的商学院(Triple accreditation)”.


对于这个神秘的国际三大认证,小编稍微做一下科普。对于全世界的商科院校而言,目前国际上存在三大权威的认证,是由三个最古老也最有影响力的商学院认证协会共同组成:EQUIS(欧洲管理发展基金会),AMAB(工商管理硕士协会)和AACSB(国际商学院协会)。到目前为止,全球只有73所商学院被授予三大认证,其中就有雷丁的Henley Business School!

根据2015年Financial Times 和The Economist的世界商学院排名中,Henley Business School被排在世界前50强!


Henley Business School被誉为世界最大的商学院之一,由7个school组成,分别是:

1. School of International Business and Strategy;

2. School of Organisation and Behaviour;

3. School of Marketing and Relationships;

4. School of Business Informatics;

5. Systemsand Accountancy (包括了Informatics Research Centre);

6. Schoolof Real Estate & Planning;

7. ICMA Centre和Executive Education Programme

硕士课程列表及入学要求-Master Programmes and Entry Requirements

硕士入学要求(PGT Entry Requirements)

1. 英语要求(English Language Requirements)

 IELTS 7.0/6.0:管理,语言学,会计,金融,房地产,印刷设计,电影,历史,哲学,文学等。

 IELTS 6.5/6.0:教育学,TESOL,应用语言学

 IELTS 6.5/5.5:法律,经济学,食品营养学,商业信息管理,建筑管理,农业发展,药剂学,国际关系,心理学等

2. 学位要求(Degree level Requirements)

课程方向 英国学位 中国学位(GPA)

一类院校* 其他院校*


金融、房地产 2.1 (60%) 80% 85%

会计、管理、规划 High 2.2 (58%) 78% 83%

商务信息管理 High 2.2 (57%) 77% 80%

人文社科 经济学、教育学、法学、语言学、电影电视、历史、艺术设计、考古等

2.1 (60%) 75% 80%

生命科学 食品营养学、农业经济、生物医药、心理学等 2.1 (60%) 75% 80%


建筑管理、环境 2.1 (60%) 75% 80%

计算机 High 2.2 (57%) 73% 77%

化学、气象 2.2 (50%) 70% 75%

* 对于 3+1 或 HND 在英国就读一年获得学士学位,申请就读硕士的学生,不再单独要求雅思成绩。但是商学院硕士要求 65%以上成绩,其他学院要求 2.1 以上学位

授课类硕士课程(PGT programmes)

方向 专业课程 专业背景


MSc Accounting and Financial Management

MSc Accounting and International Management

MSc Accounting and Finance [Accounting background (80% or 85% GPA).] 


MSc Entrepreneurship (Creative Industries)

MSc Entrepreneurship (Financing)

MSc Entrepreneurship (Leadership)

MSc Management

MSc Management (International Business)

MSc Management (International Business & Finance) [Math elements, GPA 80% or 85%]

MSc Management (International Human Resource Management)

MSc Marketing (International Marketing)

MSc Marketing (Digital Marketing)

MSc Marketing (Consumer Marketing)

MBA [3-year work experience/online interview. ]



MSc International Securities, Investment and Banking GMAT may be required*

MSc Corporate Finance [GMAT may be required*]

MSc Financial Engineering [GMAT may be required*]

MSc Financial Risk Management [GMAT may be required*]

MSc Economics and Finance [GMAT may be required*]

MSc Investment Management [GMAT may be required*]

MSc Capital Markets Regulation and Compliance

MSc Behavioral Finance

MSc International Shipping and Finance (2-month in Athens.) 


MSc Information Management and Digital Business (Digital 


Business, engineering or science

MSc Information Management and Digital Business (Business 

Service Design)

MSc Information Management and Digital Business (Big Data in 


MRes Informatics

MSc Business Technology Consulting


MSc Real Estate

MSc Real Estate Finance [Relevant background or experience. ]

MSc Spatial Planning and Development

MSc Rural Land and Business Management

* 注:金融硕士大部分课程不要求金融背景,但大部分要求较好的数学基础,如果本科数学背景不足者可能会被要

求提供 GMAT 成绩(GMAT 数学部分 75%)

艺术、人文及社会科学(Art, Humanity & Social Sciences)

方向 专业课程和专业背景要求


MSc Business Economics [Any background with statistics elements]

MSc Public Policy [Politics, economics, international relations]

MSc Economics Economics

MA by Research Economic History (IELTS 7./6.0)


MA International Relations [Politics, Economics, International Relations or 

social sciences]

MA Diplomacy

MA International Security Studies

MRes Politics and International Relations

MA Strategic Studies

MPhil International Relations [(by Examination) 24 months. Politics, International Relations or social sciences]


LLM International Commercial Law with….

Intellectual Property Law and Management

International Banking Law and Financial Regulation

International Corporate Finance

International Economic Law

Competition Law and Regulation、

Energy Law and Natural Resources

Information Technology Law and Commerce

Insolvency and Corporate Rescue

International Dispute Resolution (Arbitration) 

[Law, politics, relevant study or work experience. ]

LLM International Law with…. 



Transnational Law

LLM Global Crisis, Conflict and Disaster Management

LLM Human Rights

LLM Advanced Legal Studies

LLM by Research Thesis

MA by Research Legal History

MRes Law

MRes Law and Society

MSc Oil and Gas


MA Education [Professionals with experience or relative subjects graduate without work experience. ]

MA Education (English Language Teaching)

MA Education (Leadership and Management)

MA Education (Inclusive Education)

MA Education (Early Years)

MA Education (Music)


MA Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages (TESOL) [Any subject background, no experience. ]

MA Applied Linguistics

MA English [Relevant subjects or experience.]

MRes Children's Literature

MA Language Sciences [Relative background or experience]

MSc Speech and Language Therapy (24 Months) [IELTS 8.0/7.5. Linguistics, psychology, education, or medical sciences]


MA Fine Art (24 months) [Portfolio and statement of practice]

MA Creative Enterprise (Film) [Relevant subjects graduates or work experience. Portfolio will be required.]

MA Creative Enterprise (Theatre)

MA Creative Enterprise (Art)

MA Creative Enterprise (Communication and Design)

MA Book Design

MA Information Design

MA Typeface Design

MA by Research in Typography and Graphic Communication


MA Classics and Ancient History

[Relevant humanities subjects with core element in history.]

MA City of Rome

MA Classical Tradition

MRes Philosophy

MA History

MRes Medieval Studies

生命科学( Life Science)

方向 专业课程和专业背景要求


MSc Nutrition and Food Science [Medicine Background]

MSc Food Science [Food, Chemistry, Medicine or Biology]

MSc Food Technology [Quality Assurance background]

MSc by Research Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience Pharmacy, chemistry or biology

MSc by Research Formulation Design and Analysis

MSc by Research Pharmacy Practice

MSc Chemical Research

MSc Physician Associate Studies (IELTS 7.5/7.0) 24 months. [biological, biomedical, biochemical, pharmacy, psychological background]


MSc by Research Agriculture, Ecology and Environment Agriculture, geography, ecology or environment.

MSc Agriculture and Development [Agriculture, Forestry, Food, Ecology, Business, Animal or environment background]

MSc Applied International Development

MSc Climate Change and Development

MSc Communication for Development

MSc Development Finance

MSc Environment and Development

MSc Food Security and Development

MSc Agricultural Economics

MSc Food Economics and Marketing [Basic knowledge in economics and maths. ]

MRes Agricultural and Food Economics

MSc Consumer Behaviour


MSc by Research Biomedicine Biology, biochemistry, environment, 

geography or agricultural sciences

MSc Molecular Medicine

MSc by research Entomology

MSc Plant Diversity

MSc Species Identification and Survey Skills

MSc Wildlife Management and Conservation


MSc Research Methods in Psychology Psychology or Relevant background or MSc Cognitive Neuroscience experience

MSc Theory and Practice in Clinical Psychology [with Clinical or 

Research Placement, Psychology, no experience required]

MSc Psychology Conversion [Non-psychology background]

2. 理学(Science)

方向 专业课程和专业背景要求


MSc Construction Cost Management

MSc Construction in Emerging Economies [Civil engineering, architecture, environment, or other engineering background or relevant experience. ]

MSc Construction Management

MSc Information Management for Design Construction and Operation

MSc Project Management

MSc Design and Management of Sustainable Built [Environment Engineering, environment, energy or relevant]

MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability work experience. 


MSc Environmental Management [Environment, biology, chemistry, geography, MSc Environmental Pollution Agriculture, earth sciences.]

MSc Professional Human Osteoarchaeology [Archaeology, anthropology, history or biology.]

MA Archaeology [Archaeology, environment or geography or any MA Archaeology (Medieval Europe) relevant discipline.]


MSc Advanced Computer Science [Computing or related subject. ]


MSc Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Mathematics, physics, computing, environmental sciences or a closely related subject

MSc Applied Meteorology and Climate with Management

MSc Applied Meteorology



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来源:SHUOSHUO 发布于:2018-11-13 09:10






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