
3933 2019-12-24
作为建筑学的圣地,英国以其多样化的建筑风格在世界上享有盛誉,英国大学的建筑学专业每年都吸引来自世界各地无数学子。在英国要想以建筑师的名义参与项目和设计方案的话,必须要获得英国皇家建筑师协会的资格认证,简称RIBA,英国建筑师资格证书:RIBA, 英国皇家建筑师学会(The Royal Institute of British Architects,简称RIBA),于1834年以英国建筑师学会的名称成立,1837年取得英皇家学会资格,在全球拥有会员超过3万名,与美国建筑师学会(AIA)并称当前世界范围内最具

  作为建筑学的圣地,英国以其多样化的建筑风格在世界上享有盛誉,英国大学的建筑学专业每年都吸引来自世界各地无数学子。在英国要想以建筑师的名义参与项目和设计方案的话,必须要获得英国皇家建筑师协会的资格认证,简称RIBA,英国建筑师资格证书:RIBA, 英国皇家建筑师学会(The Royal Institute of British Architects,简称RIBA),于1834年以英国建筑师学会的名称成立,1837年取得英皇家学会资格,在全球拥有会员超过3万名,与美国建筑师学会(AIA)并称当前世界范围内最具知名度的两大建筑师学会。在英国,建筑师这一称号受法律的严格保护,享受着至高的荣誉。RIBA认证一共三级:part 1、 part 2和part 3,一旦完成,你就开始向世界顶级建筑大师的行列迈进了。




  Architectural Design MArch

  Entry requirements

  A minimum of a second-class UK degree in an appropriate subject or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Applicants with extensive experience in the field may also be considered. A design/creative portfolio is also expected. Applicants will be asked to submit a portfolio of their design work once their completed application has been received, and should not send or upload work until it has been requested.

  Application deadlines


  24 July 2020


  Standard level: Overall grade of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the subtests

  2.AA 建筑联盟

  Architecture & UrbanismMArch


  MArch in Architecture & Urbanism (Design Research Laboratory) (16 months): Five-year professional architectural degree (BArch/Diploma equivalent)

  International/EU applicants: IELTS (Academic) 6.5 overall with at least 6.0 in each category.


  AWith the exception of History and Critical Thinking and PhD Research, all applicants must submit a digital portfolio of design work, showing a combination of both academic and professional work. The Portfolio must be clearly labelled including your full name and programme of application and contain 20 – 30 pages (drawings/project synopsis/samples of work) combined into a single PDF format (Max. file size 40MB).

  Please include a selection of highlights of your work, showing a range of different work from your academic and professional background. Please also demonstrate the process behind your work, e.g. sketches or development drawings/models, rather than just including final images.

  Applications and portfolios will be assessed by the Programme Director and a second academic member of staff and applicants will receive a formal letter via email confirming the outcome of their application.




  All applicants are expected to submit a digital portfolio of art/design work containing 20 – 30 pages (drawings/project synopsis/samples of work) combined into a single PDF format (Max. file size 40MB). The portfolio should be clearly labelled including your full name and programme of application. Please use high-quality scanned images.

  Please include a selection of highlights of your work to impress the admission panel enough for them to want to invite you for an interview! Please show a range of different work. Please also demonstrate the process behind your work, e.g. sketches or development drawings/models, rather than just including final images.


  The AA is looking for students with a creative imagination and plenty of motivation! Sketches, models, photographs, paintings, notebooks, and essays, all help to build up a picture of your particular interests and skills. It is important to read the prospectus, which will give you an idea of the wide range of work carried out in the School.

  There is no single way of preparing a portfolio. Many applicants will have artwork from school, but the AA is interested in any kind of project that is self-motivated and it is best not to bring a portfolio based solely on school artwork. Portfolios should include some recent work; models or sculptures can be photographed and live performances can be recorded in a variety of ways. It is important that any drawings should be from life, or drawn on site.

  The interview panel like to see original images where possible, but understands if reproductions have to be shown due to size or weight constraints. It is better to bring more work rather than less so that you have a range of examples to demonstrate your skills. However, please take into account how much you can carry, and the limited amount of interview time which means you will not be able to show every piece of work.

  Every portfolio we see will be different. The purpose of the interview is to try and assess each student's potential and ability to benefit from the course. We will let you know within a very short time whether we are able to offer you a place. Portfolios brought to an interview can be taken away directly after the interview.

  关于面试:我们正在寻找有创造性的想象力和充足的动机的学生!素描、模型、照片、绘画、笔记本和随笔,都有助于建立一个你特定兴趣和技能的图片。阅读招生说明书很重要,它将使你了解学校开展的广泛工作。没有一种单一的方法来准备作品集。很多申请者都会有学校的作品,但a a对任何一种自我激励的项目都感兴趣,最好不要只根据学校的作品带一个作品集。作品集应该包括一些最近的作品;模型或雕塑可以拍照,现场表演可以用多种方式录制。重要的是,任何图纸都应该来自生活,或在现场绘制。面试小组喜欢在可能的情况下看到原始图片,但了解是否由于尺寸或重量限制必须显示复制品。最好多带点工作,而不是少带点,这样你就有了一系列的例子来展示你的技能。但是,请考虑你能携带多少,以及面试时间的限制,这意味着你不能展示每一件作品。我们看到的每一个作品集都是不同的。面试的目的是试图评估每个学生从课程中受益的潜力和能力。我们会在很短的时间内告诉你我们是否能给你提供一个地方。带去面试的档案可以在面试后直接拿走。


  Deadlines for 2020/21 Academic Year

  · Optional early-offer applications for 2020/21 close: Friday 22 November 2019*.

  · Early (Winter) application deadlines for 2020/21 close: Friday 24 January 2020* (last deadline for bursary applications)

  · Late (Spring) application deadlines for 2020/21 close: Friday 6 March 2020.

  3. 曼大 MA Architecture and Urbanism / Overview


  You will normally have at least an upper second class undergraduate UK honours degree (or international equivalent) in a related field. Alternatively, you may be admitted if you have proven experience in a relevant field.

  Students are required to provide a portfolio (digital or hard copy) as part of the application process.

  Overseas applicants will require IELTS with an overall score of 6.5 with no less than 5.5 in any category, or an equivalent accepted English qualification. Accepted English qualifications can be viewed


  Students are required to provide a portfolio (digital or hard copy) as part of the application process.

  Course collaborators

  MA Architecture and Urbanism is taught at the Manchester School of Architecture (MSA), an innovative collaboration between The University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU).

  You'll receive a degree from both universities and get to use facilities and resources at both institutions, including libraries, computer suites, and model-making and media workshops.


  4. 爱丁堡大学

  Art, Space and Nature Master of Fine Art, MA (eca)


  A UK 2:1 honours degree or its international equivalent.

  You must submit a portfolio of recent work as part of your application.

  If you do not meet the academic entry requirements, we may still consider your application on the basis of your portfolio and/or relevant professional experience.

  (Revised 29.10.2019 to remove the requirement for a study proposal.)




  You must submit one reference with your application.

  You must submit a portfolio as part of your application. You won't be able to submit your portfolio immediately, but you'll receive an email prompt within a few days of submitting your application that will explain how to upload your portfolio.

  The portfolio should principally demonstrate creative work from your previous programme of study – e.g. final undergraduate project.

  We also look for examples of work beyond that core discipline, e.g. a small portfolio of photographs or drawings, as it is important to demonstrate a wider interest in creative practice beyond that required from undergraduate studies alone.

  The portfolio must demonstrate an interest in landscape, or the natural world, which maps onto the ecological ethos of the programme.

  There is no set number of images or works required, but we encourage you to include sufficient images in the portfolio to show the full range of your recent creative activity.








  We encourage you to apply at least one month prior to entry so that we have enough time to process your application. If you are also applying for funding or will require a visa then we strongly recommend you apply as early as possible.

  Architectural and Urban Design MSc

  A professional qualification in architecture, usually a five-year programme, with a strong portfolio of design work with clear author/co-author attribution.

  You must submit a portfolio as part of your application.

  We may consider a four-year qualification in architecture if your portfolio is of sufficient standard, with evidence of further experience in architecture or a similar field, such as art, landscape architecture, urban planning, digital design or industrial design; please contact us to check before you apply.




  You must submit one reference with your application.

  You must submit a portfolio as part of your application. You won't be able to submit your portfolio immediately, but you'll receive an email prompt within a few days of submitting your application that will explain how to upload your portfolio. You may provide a link to a website in addition to, but not instead of, your portfolio, if you wish.

  See the portfolio submission guidance for more information:





  This page gives you information about how to successfully prepare a portfolio for your application. If you have any further questions, you should contact the postgraduate secretary in the first instance.

  Applications to the MSc in Architectural & Urban Design (AUD) require the submission of a portfolio of recent work in addition to the academic and personal information as set out in the application form. The portfolio is the most important part of the application and these notes are intended to offer some guidance in preparing one.

  The programme has a core commitment to creative experimentation and research rigour in relation to architectural design. Members of the admissions panel for this programme are looking for applicants with the motivation and skill to make the most of these qualities. They want to know how you, as an applicant, might benefit from and thrive within the programme. The portfolio is one the best devices we have to help make those judgements. It allows us to build up a picture of your capacities to draw, make things, think creatively, manipulate form, organize information, and handle ideas. So it is important to consider carefully how you assemble your portfolio.


  Portfolios are as diverse in style, content and format as the authors who assemble them. We value this diversity and so try not prescribe too heavily the format of the portfolio. The following are the basic parameters:

  · All work should be contained within a single PDF file, at appropriate resolution for screen view (hard copy/paper portfolios are not accepted)

  · Three-dimensional models, video, performance, or installation work should be represented in good quality photographs. We understand that many kinds of work are not easily represented within the portfolio format, so you will need to translate as best you can three-dimensional and temporal work onto the page.

  · Date all work and present it in a consistent way -- thematically, by project and/or chronologically.

  · Include your name and UUN on the front of the portfolio.

  Keep in mind that the portfolio will be used to assess the potential you have to benefit from and thrive within the programme. It is important, then, to look through this website to get a feeling for the range and character of design work being carried out at different levels the Department of Architecture.


  The focus of the portfolio should be on your best and most recent work. It should include representative examples of work undertaken as part of a formal programme of study, and any work carried out while in practice, and/or self-initiated projects undertaken outside formal studies. As much as possible include a variety of work:

  · Kind -- architectural design, speculative projects, art, built, research

  · Scale -- furniture, buildings, urban design, regional studies

  · Media -- freehand drawings, technical drawings, computer drawings, models, sculptures, live performances, paintings, installations, video

  It is important that your portfolio contains your best work. But do not limit this to presentation images alone. Include sketches, studies and working drawings. If possible, include examples of from your design sketchbooks and notebooks.

  Not all undergraduate courses in architecture, art and design require students to keep sketchbooks or notebooks, so you may not have such material to hand. However, notes and sketches play an important part in design thinking and are important for demonstrating your capacity to investigate and explore in the medium of design.

  It is also important to present your most recent work. But, if you have had a longer period in practice or have a diverse educational, professional background, you should include work that would best show the wider scope and development of your career.









  把你的名字和申请号码 UUN在作品集的前面。








  5. 谢菲尔德大学

  MA Architectural Design

  Entry requirements

  You'll need a 2:1 honours degree or an equivalent qualification related to design in the built environment, such as architecture, landscape architecture or urban planning. Your degree doesn't have to be design- based. If you have a lot of professional design experience we'll consider your application.

  We'd like to see your portfolio to get an idea of your design abilities.


  English language requirements

  Overall IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component, or equivalent.

  关于RIBA part1的问题

  对于国内的本科毕业生,肯定是无法直接获得该认证的。所以,多数情况是直接将申请材料邮寄到学校(需要提交建筑作品),由学校进行中间的联络和协助工作,如果可以通过英国皇家建筑师协会(RIBA)第一级Part 1的认证或者等同水平,那么可以直接获得大学签发的建筑学硕士的录取通知书,否则需要先读英国建筑学本科最后一年,以便成功的获得建筑学学士并取得英国皇家建筑师协会(RIBA)第一级Part 1的认证。当然还有一些大学提供建筑学研究生的预备课程,一般是Diploma of Architecture。成功完成该课程,就可以直接就读相应大学的建筑学硕士。所以很多学生往往需要两年时间在英国完成建筑学硕士学位,原因就在于此。



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来源:huanxing 发布于:2019-12-24 10:46






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