6223 2020-07-27
学建筑的童鞋都知道:建筑联盟学院常简称为AA或AA School of Architecture,创办于1847年,是英国最老的独立建筑教学院校。学院位于伦敦的市中心,教师资源都是建筑设计行业内的大牛。

  学建筑的童鞋都知道:建筑联盟学院常简称为AA或AA School of Architecture,创办于1847年,是英国最老的独立建筑教学院校。学院位于伦敦的市中心,教师资源都是建筑设计行业内的大牛。学院不是采用大学里的授课模式,主要以辅导为主,导师和学生已非常平等的姿态进行建筑设计的探讨和交流,学生们以小组为单位进行学术研究,并且每周进行与导师的一对一辅导。AA对于学生的自律性要求很高,这里的学生专业能力强,会有很强的竞争意识,促进学生在设计专业方面的进步。


  回顾往年,2014年1月18日至2014年1月26日,英国AA的Visiting School的进修班上课地点是在清华大学;2018年7月6日-7月14日举办地点在中国上海3D打印博物馆。今天Linda老师为大家介绍下2020疫情期间,AA的visiting school的情况。




  Pre- Sessions Instagram Live Conversations

  10 – 15 July at 13:00-14:00 and 18:00 -19:00 BST on AA School and AAVS Instagram Accounts

  Series of lectures, conversations and discussions around Climate, Ethics and Health from Visiting Schools around the world. Architects, designers, curators, researchers, students and artists from around the world will pose questions about how we come together, how we teach and how we learn as conventional formats, habits and rituals are currently being challenged and redefined.

  Hothouse Earth – Exhibiting Architecture in a Changing Climate

  Klaus Platzgummer and Lennart Wolff, AAVS Zurich

  10 JUL 18:00 -19:00 BST / AA INSTAGRAM LIVE

  The Great Indoors

  Lingxiu Chong, AAVS San Francisco Bay Area

  This one-hour presentation will address the proto-domestic, loosely defined as the radical premises and contexts of domestic architecture, via the San Francisco Bay Area’s fertile culture of experimental living structures and practices, and the ongoing worldwide experiment of absorbing all public life into domestic space—The Great Indoors.

  11 JUL 18:00-19:00 BST / AA INSTAGRAM LIVE

  Eco-urban: the catalysts of change

  Alexandra Chechetkina, AAVS Moscow

  The discussion will revolve around questions of integration of natural systems within the manmade, urban landscapes.

  12 JUL 13:00 -14:00 BST / AA INSTAGRAM LIVE

  Floating Libraries in the Brazilian Amazon

  Marco Brajovic and Nacho Marti, AAVS Amazon

  Marco Brajovic and Nacho Marti will share their experiences in the Brazilian Amazon and they will discuss biomimetics as a design methodology to solve issues related to climate crisis in the Amazon. This research has culminated in the design and construction of the first floating library in the region that Atelier Marko Brajovic has designed and built with the funding of the Prince Klaus Fund.

  12 JUL 18:00-19:00 BST / AA INSTAGRAM LIVE

  Ethics and role of architects in developing regions.

  Alison Cheng and James Mak, AAVS Cambodia

  The Programme Heads of the Visiting School in Cambodia will discuss their experiences working in developing regions, drawing from issues of human geography, education and contemporary issues of development and its cultural implications.

  13 JUL 13:00-14:00 BST / AA INSTAGRAM LIVE

  Metropolitan Landscapes: Design and the impacts of Planetary Urbanization in Society and nature

  Jose Alfredo Ramirez Galindo, AAVS Mexico

  13 JUL 18:00-19:00 BST / AA INSTAGRAM LIVE

  The relationship between architectural languages and the informality of ordinary life in Bolivia.

  Sabrina Morreale and Lorenzo Perri, AAVS El Alto

  14 Jul 18:00-19:00 BST / AA INSTAGRAM LIVE

  Animalesque: Human and animals in cities

  Jorge Godoy and Ana Zatezalo Schenk, AAVS Animalesque

  15 JUL 13:00-14:00 BST / AA INSTAGRAM LIVE

  The time and place of your life: online

  Ludovico Centis, AAVS

  15 JUL 18:00-19:00 BST / AA INSTAGRAM LIVE

  Live Sessions 13-15 July – AA Website front page

  A series of Summer Re-Screen lectures, highlight videos from academics such as Mark Cousins, book reviews and videos from the Live Sessions open call will be streamed every day. Mon 13 July the sessions will start at 18:00 BST, the content will be on loop for students in all time zones to tune into.

  Tues 14 July and Wed 15 July the Sessions will commence at 12:00noon BST.

  Summer School 16-23 July, – Units and Tutors.

  Meetings and workshops via Zoom organized by the Tutors. They will be getting in touch with you directly.

  SY同学每天努力提高自己,放弃大半的休息时间,倒时差保质保量的去完成VISITING SCHOOL的课程,希望SY同学收获满满!




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来源:huanxing 发布于:2020-07-27 10:07






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