
2156 2021-01-23


  《美国新闻与世界报道》国际教育主席 Tom Dretler 对此分享了自己的观点——




  在U.S. News Global Education,我们看到以下三件事情,它们将带给我们对未来的道路的乐观态度:

  1. 国际学生将于今年秋季进入美国校园学习


  2. 拜登政府将主张欢迎国际学生

  即将上任的拜登政府已经收到了大学校长以及如 U.S. News Global Education 等教育组织的意见和建议,并充分意识到了欢迎国际学生来到美国大学校园就读的重要性。他们正在全力准备并迅速提高美国领事馆的效率,予以支持国际学生签证的办理。也许更重要的是,他们将支持建立旨在帮助国际学生成长和成功的方案制定。

  我们也看到在总统本人的家庭及其最亲密的顾问团对教育的投入和承诺。即将上任的第一夫人 Jill Biden 博士,本人就是一位大学教授,她将在入住白宫期间继续任教。此外,内阁任命的人员背景也具有高度的多样性,有些人本身就是第一代移民。当我们谈及全球高等教育重要性时,这将是华盛顿真正意义上的崭新的一天。

  3. 美国政府的立法和行政部门如今都在支持全球化


  为了在美国制定新法律,需要在下议院(众议院)和上议院(参议院)立法部门中均获得通过,然后要求行政部门的总统签字。得益于佐治亚州的选举结果,民主党将实施对立法机构的控制,意味着支持国际化的法律和政策(例如最近通过的《高技能移民公平法 Highly Skilled Immigrants Act》)将在未来的几个月中得到通过。



  Tom Dretler

  U.S. News Global Education主席



  Embassies are opening, international students will be on campus in fall, and pro-globalization policies now have powerful advocates in Washington. U.S. News Global Education Chair Tom Dretler shares why the future is bright for international students in the U.S.

  Dear Students, Parents and Counselors,

  Despite the recent images and headlines coming out of Washington, D.C., change is coming to America on Wednesday, January 20. For members of the international higher education community, this is a time of opportunity and possibility.

  At U.S. News Global Education, we see three things that make us particularly optimistic about the road ahead:

  1. International students will be on campus this fall

  All data sets tell us that U.S. university campuses will soon be open: Many U.S. universities have already set up policies that successfully serve students on campus and control the spread of the coronavirus. In addition, over the coming weeks, there will be widespread distribution of multiple vaccines that are 95% effective across the United States.

  We also know that the Biden Administration will be driven by science in its decision making around any COVID-related travel bans. This means we also expect Chinese students to be able to travel to the U.S. seamlessly prior to the start of classes this fall.

  2. The Biden Administration will advocate for international students

  The incoming administration is already receiving input from college- and university presidents, as well as organizations like USNGE, and is fully aware of the importance of welcoming international students on U.S. university campuses. They are preparing to quickly ramp up capacity at U.S. consulates to support student visa procurement. Perhaps most importantly, moving forward, they are supportive of legislation designed to boost international student growth and success.

  We also see this commitment to education across the President-elect’s family and closest advisors. The incoming First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, is a college professor who will continue teaching while in the White House. Cabinet appointees are highly diverse, and some are first-generation immigrants themselves. This is truly a new day in Washington when it comes to understanding the importance of global higher education.

  3. Both the legislative and executive branches of government are now pro-globalization

  When President-Elect Biden is inaugurated on January 20, the Democratic Party will also take control of the Senate, in addition to maintaining control of the House of Representatives. This was decided on January 5, when two Democratic challengers won a run-off election for the two Senate seats representing the state of Georgia.

  In order for new laws to be made in the United States, they require passage in both the lower (House of Representatives) and upper (the Senate) legislative chambers, and then require signature from the President in the Executive Branch. Thanks to the results from Georgia, Democratic control of the legislative branch now means that pro-internationalization laws and policies (such as the recently passed Fairness for Highly Skilled Immigrants Act, which you can read about in my December letter) are far more likely to be passed in the months ahead.

  It is an unusual time in America and the world, but better days are ahead. For everyone in international higher education, there is reason for optimism and – soon – celebration.




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来源:huanxing 发布于:2021-01-23 15:34






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