
3337 2021-07-20
The bestuniversity in the world, for a tenth consecutive year, is MassachusettsInstitute of Technology.世界上最好的大学是麻省理工学院。DUBLIN’STRINITY COLLEGE has ranked 101st in the QS World University Rankings.而都柏林圣三一学院在QS世界大学排名中排名第101位。

  The bestuniversity in the world, for a tenth consecutive year, is MassachusettsInstitute of Technology.世界上最好的大学是麻省理工学院。DUBLIN’STRINITY COLLEGE has ranked 101st in the QS World University Rankings.而都柏林圣三一学院在QS世界大学排名中排名第101位。


  Theuniversity saw a rise in academic reputation but a decline in global scoresassociated with staff-student ratios, where all Irish universities struggle todo well.这所大学的学术声誉有所上升,但与师生比例相关的全球分数有所下降,所有的爱尔兰大学都在努力做得更好。

  Therankings, which provide a comparative analysis on the performance ofuniversities this year features 1,300 institutions, a 10% increase from lastyear.该排名对今年大学的表现进行了比较分析,共有1300所机构,比去年增长了10%。

  The bestuniversity in the world, for a tenth consecutive year, is MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT) which earned perfect scores across the researchand the employability indicator.世界上最好的大学是麻省理工学院(MIT),它在研究和就业能力指标方面都获得了满分。

  Universityof Oxford in England came in second, followed by Stanford in the US, TheUniversity of Cambridge in the UK, Harvard University and California Instituteof Technology in sixth place.英国牛津大学位居第二,其次是美国的斯坦福大学、英国剑桥大学、哈佛大学和加州理工学院,排名第六。

  UniversityCollege Dublin (UCD) saw an increase in its ranking, from 177th last year to173rd this year. The University of Limerick also placed higher this year,moving up to the 501st-510th group in the rankings.都柏林大学学院(UCD)的排名从去年的第177位上升到今年的第173位。利默里克大学今年也排名更高,排名上升到第501-510组。

  NUI Galwayis now ranked 258th, University College Cork (UCC) is ranked 298th, Dublin CityUniversity (DCU) is 490th, Maynooth University is in the 751-800th band and theTechnological University Dublin placed in the 801-1000th band. NUI高威大学现在排名第258,科克大学学院(UCC)排名第298,都柏林城市大学(DCU)排名第490,梅努斯大学排名第751-800乐队,都柏林理工大学排名第801-1000组。

  Speakingafter the rankings were announced this evening, Trinity College Provost DrPatrick Prendergast, said:在排名公布后圣三一大学教务长帕特里克·普伦德加斯特博士说:

  “We are pleased to see Trinityretaining its position as Ireland’s leading university in the QS WorldUniversity Rankings. After an enormously challenging year, this ranking makesme proud of our excellent students and faculty, whose scholarship andachievements are critical to our continued success at a global level. “我们很高兴看到三一大学在QS世界大学排名中保持着爱尔兰领先大学的地位。在经历了充满挑战的一年之后,这个排名让我为我们优秀的学生和教师感到自豪,他们的奖学金和成就对我们在全球层面的持续成功至关重要。

  Trinity scored particularlywell on academic reputation, reflecting the success of the entire Collegecommunity in prioritising excellence in research. We would have performed evenbetter were it not for the relatively high staff-student ratios common in Irishinstitutions.圣三一大学在学术声誉上的得分特别高,反映了整个大学优先重视卓越研究方面的成功。如果不是因为爱尔兰机构中相对较高的教职工和学生比例,我们会表现得更好。

  “I know the Government has plans to invest morein third level education and I hope that this issue will slowly be resolved.” “我知道政府计划在高等教育上增加投资,我希望这个问题能慢慢得到解决。”




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来源:huanxing 发布于:2021-07-20 13:26






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