
4084 2021-12-22






  周数 开学日期 结束日期 学费 申请截止日期 语言要求

  18周 2022.04.18 2022.09.02 6930英镑 2022.03.20 5.5(5.0)

  10周 2022.06.27 2022.09.02 3850英镑 2022.05.29 5.5(最多2个5.0)

  6周线上 2022.06.27 2022.08.05 2310英镑 2022.06.12 6.0(5.5)

  6周线下 2022.07.18 2022.08.26 2310英镑 2022.06.19 6.0(5.5)

  IELTS 6.5 overall with a minimum of 6.0 in each component

  29 week course - IELTS 5.0 overall with a minimum of 4.5 in each component

  18 week course - IELTS 5.5 overall with a minimum of 5.0 in each component

  18 Week Pre-sessional Course

  Start date: Monday 18th April 2022*

  End date: Friday 2nd September 2022

  Application Deadline: Sunday 20th March 2022

  Cost: £6930 (£385 per week)

  *Please note - Monday 18th April 2022 is a bank holiday in England. Unless otherwise specified no teaching on ELTC programmes will take place on this date. Classes and courses scheduled to begin in Term 3 will instead begin on Tuesday 19th April 2022.

  Entry requirements

  Your Overall IELTS score: No more than 1 IELTS band below the overall English language requirement for your degree course

  Your Individual IELTS component scores (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening): At least 5.0 in every component, no more than 1 IELTS band below the minimum IELTS component requirements for your degree course and no more than 2 IELTS bands below the overall component requirement for your degree course in any individual component

  You must also hold a conditional or unconditional offer to study a degree course beginning in September or October 2022 at The University of Sheffield before applying for this course

  10 Week Pre-sessional Course

  Start Date: Monday 27th June 2022

  End Date: Friday 2nd September 2022

  Application Deadline: Sunday 29th May 2022

  Cost: £3,850 (£385 per week)

  Entry requirements

  Your Overall IELTS score: No more than 1 IELTS band below the overall English language requirement for your degree course

  Your Individual IELTS component scores (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening):

  No component below 5.0

  A maximum of two components at 5.0

  No component more than 1.5 bands below the overall IELTS requirement for your degree course

  No component more than 1.0 below the minimum requirement for that component

  6 Week Pre-sessional Course (Online)

  Start Date: Monday 27th June 2022

  End Date: Friday 5th August 2022

  Application Deadline: Sunday 12th June 2022

  Cost: £2,310 (£385 per week)

  Please note: This is a fully online full-time course which you can study from your home country.

  Entry requirements

  Your Overall IELTS score: No more than half (0.5) an IELTS band below the overall English language requirement for your degree course

  Your Individual IELTS component scores (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening):

  At least 5.5 in every component and no more than half (0.5) an IELTS band below the minimum IELTS component requirements for your degree course

  6 Week Pre-sessional Course (In-person)

  Start Date: Monday 18th July 2022

  End Date: Friday 26th August 2022

  Application Deadline: Sunday 19th June 2022

  Cost: £2,310 (£385 per week)



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来源:huanxing 发布于:2021-12-22 15:27






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