幼教硕士Master of Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood
NZQA:9 级
学术要求 :本科毕业,均分 B+, 最好学过教育课程
英语要求 :雅思 7.0 (单项>7.0),承认PTE。2 年内英语成绩可以拼分
完成教师教育初评表格 Completing the Initial Teacher Education compliance form
推荐人报告 Receipt of referee reports
无犯罪记录证明 Submission of appropriate police checks, including overseas police checks
计算和语文考试成绩 Satisfactorily completing both an online numeracy and literacy test
参加面试 Attending an online interview in person or via zoom, which lasts for 30-40 minutes
●教师认同与适应力 Teacher identity and resilience
●学习与教学理论 Learning and teaching theories for the 21st century
●教授不同文化学生 Adaptive expertise for working with diverse learners
●学习毛利文化 Learning te Reo Māori
●社会公正教学 Teaching for social justice
●教学咨询周期 The teaching as inquiry cycle
●研究项目 A research project
所修课程 180 学分
●成为合格幼教教师 ECET802 Becoming an Adaptive Teacher (ECE)
●合格幼教教师 ECET803 Being an Adaptive Teacher (ECE)
●教学领导力与教学原则 ECET804 Pedagogical Leadership and the Principles of Te Whāriki
●教学大纲 ECET805 Strands of Te Whāriki: Weaving People, Places and Things
●教学社会公正 EDUC871 Teaching for Social Justice
●做一个有责任心的老师 EDCR804 Being a Responsive Teacher
●教学与学习 EDCR801 Ako: Teaching and Learning
●教学探究 EDUC901 Teaching as Inquiry
●批判性反思实践 EDUC902 Critical Reflection on Practice
●教育背景研究 EDUC908 Research in an Education Context
在幼儿园工作实习 16周
For 16 weeks, student teachers will be on a sustained period of practicum in a partnership school (8 weeks in Semester 1 and 8 weeks in Semester 2) working with a professional learning mentor in the classroom.