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Prof. Harris
STAR Collaboration 第一任发言人。该团队于布鲁克海文国家实验室发现“完美液体”
耶鲁大学(Yale University)全美排名第三,坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文,是一所世界著名的私立研究型大学,耶鲁大学是美国大学协会的 14 所创始院校之一,也是著名的常春藤联
盟成员。耶鲁大学有多位杰出校友:5 位美国总统、15 名联邦最高法院大法官、多个国家政治要员及 13 位在世的亿万富豪,230 位罗德学者是此校的师生或校友截止 2018 年 10
月,在耶鲁大学的校友、教授及研究人员中,共有 61 名诺贝尔奖得主、5 位菲尔兹奖得主、
3 位图灵奖得主。


Schedule Topics
01/30 Orientation, Opening Ceremony, Welcome Dinner
01/31 Overview, cosmological ramifications, applications, particle-wave duality and exclusion principle
02/01 Uncertainty and the Double-Slit Experiment
02/02 Interpretations of Quantum Physics
02/03 Duality of Matter and Light, Introduction to Special Relativity
02/04 Special Relativity and Quantum Entanglement
02/05 Introduction to General Relativity
02/06 Black Holes and the Information Paradox
02/07 The Higgs Boson, extra dimensions and the future (possibly string theory?)


Course Title: Concepts of Quantum Physics, Relativity and Modern Physics
General Course Description – The course will focus on quantum physics and its interpretations, and on Einstein’s special and general relativity. Exciting topics will also be introduced in cosmology, black holes, particle physics and the Higgs Boson, extra dimensions and string theory, and some applications of quantum physics. Prerequisites for this course are a general physics course in High School or College and a desire to read about, learn, attend and engage in lectures on quantum physics, relativity and exciting new concepts in modern-day physics. Calculus is not required for this course.
Goals – The goals of this course are to introduce to the student the development of quantum physics, its interpretations, relativity, and some of today’s new developments and concepts in modern physics. The course will provide a forum for the student to develop skills in reading, understanding, formulating a perspective and discussing thought-provoking new topics in modern science. This is done through a
combination of reading homework, attending 2 hours of lectures on the reading material each day, and additional in-class discussion of concepts with active student participation. This course should provide the student with a broader and deeper understanding of modern physics and its role in the contemporary world. It will also instill confidence in the student to be able to read, understand and discuss new concepts in science today, and will allow for a more profound basis for understanding future decisions about science and new technologies.
Approach – The course will be taught using a combination of required reading, lectures, and discussions of concepts with active participation by students. For the daily class discussion, students will be asked to identify topics deemed difficult, complicated, or of special interest in the reading and lectures. This is a contemporary approach to teaching and learning that leads to a deeper understanding and retention of the classroom material. The course will develop student skills to be able to read, understand lectures and discussions of concepts associated with the reading and other topics in science today. This experience will allow for a more profound basis for understanding and making informed decisions about science and technology in the future.
Homework: Pre-course and daily reading will be assigned.
Classes: Having read the assigned reading material, the student will be prepared to attend class lectures on the reading and associated topics to further the student’s
understanding of the subjects covered in this course. Each class will involve around two hours of lecture and an hour of discussion, often interspersed. Review of previous class material and lectures, posted after each class, is recommended. Students will be encouraged to ask questions about the reading and lecture materials that they find difficult, complicated or of special interest to them.
Grading – The grading will be based on attendance and participation in class (50%) and a final 10-minute presentation and paper (together 50%) due three weeks after classes end.
Required Books & Reading: There is no single textbook for this course. Before the start of classes, students will be asked to read selected chapters of the popular paperback book“In Search of Schrödinger’s Cat” by J. Gribbin,
which describes key elements of the development of quantum physics that include the role of the atom, discovery of the atomic nucleus, particle-wave duality, the exclusion and uncertainty principles, and other topics. In addition, there will be specialized daily reading assignments on the interpretations of quantum physics, special relativity, general relativity and black holes. These reading assignments are typically in the style and at the level of Scientific American magazine articles. Other articles will be available from the web or made available as handouts. Quantum entanglement and some important applications of quantum physics will also be introduced.
Before Course Starts – pre-course reading from “In Search of Schrödinger’s Cat” by J. Gribbin
DAY 1 – Quantum physics: overview, cosmological ramifications, applications, particle-wave duality and exclusion principle
DAY 2 – Quantum Physics – Uncertainty and the Double-Slit Experiment
DAY 3 – Interpretations of Quantum Physics
DAY 4 – Duality of Matter and Light, Introduction to Special Relativity
DAY 5 – Special Relativity and Quantum Entanglement
DAY 6 – Introduction to General Relativity
DAY 7 – Black Holes and the Information Paradox
DAY 8 – The Higgs Boson, extra dimensions and the future (possibly string theory?)1 Week after – Meet to discuss progress on final paper








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