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系统科学的指导和训练学生进行学术文章写作和发表(国际 CPCI/EI 会议论文)
全英文语境展开项目,突破自我,助力 GT 考试、申请面试和未来学习
Prof. Harris
STAR Collaboration 第一任发言人。该团队于布鲁克海文国家实验室发现“完美液体”
耶鲁大学(Yale University)全美排名第三,坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文,是一所世界著名的私立研究型大学,耶鲁大学是美国大学协会的 14 所创始院校之一,也是著名的常春藤联
盟成员。耶鲁大学有多位杰出校友:5 位美国总统、15 名联邦最高法院大法官、多个国家政治要员及 13 位在世的亿万富豪,230 位罗德学者是此校的师生或校友截止 2018 年 10
月,在耶鲁大学的校友、教授及研究人员中,共有 61 名诺贝尔奖得主、5 位菲尔兹奖得主、
3 位图灵奖得主。
Schedule Topics
01/30 Orientation, Opening Ceremony, Welcome Dinner
01/31 Course Overview, Building Blocks and Forces of Nature, Introductory Material, Evolution of the Universe
02/01 Big Bang Cosmology, its Foundations and Tests
02/02 Beyond the Big Bang, its Problems and Solutions, Make-up of theUniverse
02/03 Expansion of the Universe
02/04 Inflation and the Epochs of the Universe
02/05 Remnants of the Big Bang and other Epochs of the Universe
02/06 Stellar Evolution, Black Holes and Discovery of Gravitational Waves
02/07 Black Hole and Neutron Star Mergers, The Future?
专业 TA/RA 助教全程辅助
助教将经过严格筛选,择优录取相关专业 Master/PhD,并通过系统化培训及考核后参与进入科研项目组。助教将协助学生进行课题知识的预习和复习,并为学员提供辅助性指导和技术支持。此外,助教将与学生分享自身升学、海外学习和科研等经验,更加贴近学生实际情况,提供辅助性建议。
为来自全球高中生及大学生提供经济便捷的世界顶级学术研讨和实践的参与机会,帮助学 培养批判性思维、分析和创造性思维、复杂沟通-口头和书面表达和全球视野,通过深度学习,
Course Title: Big Bang Cosmology and the Evolution of the Universe
General Course Description – The course will introduce at a basic level the modern view of the origin of the Universe, which involved the Big Bang and its evolution until today. It will cover what is known from experiment or still unknown, and interpretations of the experimental observations. Some examples of topics include inflation and quantum tunneling in the early stages of the Universe, new components of our Universe called Dark Matter and Dark Energy, the recently discovered gravitational waves, questions in our understanding of the Big Bang and potential answers, and implications for the future. The course is intended to provide a better understanding of how our Universe evolved, which has become a popular topic with the recent experimental discoveries.
Goals and Approach – The goals of this course are to introduce the student to our understanding and its shortcomings on how the Universe evolved from the Big Bang until today and what we expect and may not anticipate in the future. It will provide a forum for the student to develop skills in reading, understanding, formulating a perspective and discussing some of the most thought-provoking topics in science today. The course will be taught using a combination of required reading, and lectures with student participation in the discussion of the concepts. After around 2 hours of lecture each class, discussion will focus on topics in the reading that students identify as difficult, complicated, or of special interest. This modern approach to teaching and active learning has been shown to lead to more thorough student understanding and retention of the classroom material. The course will instill confidence in the students to be able to read and understand topics in modern science, understand lectures on new concepts, and to be able to discuss science with others in an informed way.
Homework – The homework will involve a pre-course reading assignment and daily readings. The goal of the reading assignments is to familiarize the student with the concepts, to prepare for the lecture and class discussion, and to identify questions and issues that need emphasis and discussion in class.
Classes – Each class will involve a two-hour lecture presentation and will provide additional information on the topics of the reading homework. Lectures will be posted online and a review of the previous-class lecture is always helpful. A class discussion will be held after each lecture (or interspersed during the lecture) to allow further questions and discussion of the topics that the students find difficult or of the most interest.
Grading – The grading will be based on attendance and participation in class (50%) and a final 10 minute presentation and paper (together 50%) due three weeks after classes end.
Required Books & Reading: There is no single textbook for this course. Students will be asked to obtain the book
“The Moment of Creation” – James S. Trefil
This is a paperback book featuring the evolution of the Universe and selected pre-course readings will be assigned to introduce some basic introductory concepts for the course. There will also be specialized daily reading assignments during the course to introduce recent results and interpretations. These are typically Scientific American style or other articles available from the web or as handouts. Pre-course Reading assignment from “The Moment of Creation” by James S. Trefil