
859 2024-01-08
适合专业 (Major): 希望修读金融学、会计、经济、金融投资、股票期货投资等金融类专业或者考取CFA金融认证的学生;希望认识全球金融市场,了解热门投资产品,掌握核心价值投资理念的学生

  开始日期: 2024-02-17

  课时安排: 4周在线小组科研学习+2周不限时论文指导学习


  适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生

  适合专业 (Major): 希望修读金融学、会计、经济、金融投资、股票期货投资等金融类专业或者考取CFA金融认证的学生;希望认识全球金融市场,了解热门投资产品,掌握核心价值投资理念的学生



  南加州大学 (USC)终身教授


  Mick导师现任南加州大学马歇尔商学院终身教授,同时他还是一位知名的金融经济学家,多次作为行业专家和嘉宾被美国顶流媒体CNN、NBC等电视台邀请参与节目和讲座。Mick导师在业内家喻户晓,他目前依旧担任CalALTs的董事会成员,该协会是对冲基金领域头部组织,是全球最大的对冲基金会员组织之一。导师在投资研究、对冲基金、投资风险管理等方面建树颇多。他担任CFA认证的专业教师,在CFA相关的教学和投资领域经验丰富。特许金融分析师(Chartered Financial Analyst,简称CFA)代表全球投资行业最高水平的认证,它与美国注册管理会计师(CMA) 、美国注册会计师(USCPA) 一起并称为美国财会领域的国际三大黄金认证。导师在多维度投资也有着丰富的经验,他目前持有CAIA特许另类投资分析师认证,它是世界上唯一的针对专门从事另类投资的人士设计的教育标准。CAIA特许状涵盖对冲基金、房地产、私募股权、大宗商品和管理型期货,证明了持证人专业性的承诺和对另类投资独有的基本特性的掌握。Mick导师在学术研究方面造诣颇深,他的论文获得了ANBAR大奖,被评为1997年“世界最重要150篇商业论文”之一。同时他在国际知名期刊《Journal of Behavioral Finance》、《Journal of Accounting and Finance》、《Journal of Business Economics and Finance》等发表论作30余篇。Mick导师在对冲基金投资和期权期货投资方面有着极为独特的见解,并撰写出版了相关书籍《Hedge Fund Strategies and Tools》,该书被多所大学和机构收录用于投资课程的专业教材。Mick导师与中国交流颇多,更是多次受邀出席金融投资领域的国际会议并发表演讲,其中包括上海期货交易所和深圳期货交易所。

  Mick Swartz is a financial economist whose research has been published in the Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, and Financial Review. In 1997, he won the ANBAR Award for a paper that is listed as among the top 150 business papers in the world. Professor Swartz has made over twenty presentations at finance conferences, has consulted the US Senate on derivatives legislation, appeared on CNN and NBC, and appeared before state legislators concerning executive compensation and merger legislation. He is currently a member of the board of directors of the California Hedge Fund Association (largest hedge fund group by members in the world). He has published many articles in well-known journals such as the Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, and Journal of Behavioral Finance. Mick has also served as a legislative advisor to the U.S. Senate on financial derivatives and a financial advisor to CNN/NBC. Furthermore, Mick has been teaching courses regarding CFA and he has achieved CAIA. Due to his excellent research on Hedge Fund, his textbook “Hedge Fund Strategies and Tools” has been widely used among institutions for investment courses.


  南加州大学(University of Southern California,USC)创立于1880年,坐落于美国加州洛杉矶市中心,是全球领先私立研究型大学,美国最具多元化学府之一,广受全球博才智杰推崇。南加州大学是美国大学协会(AAU;研究型大学联盟,会员门槛极高,被许多机构视为衡量大学学术研究和品质的基准)的成员,在2020年U.S.News全美大学综合排名中位列第22。南加州大学商学院作为美国西海岸最为知名的商学院之一,在商业、会计、管理等领域有着良好的教学经验。根据2016-2020年UTD全球商学院科研排名百强榜,南加州大学马歇尔商学院位列全球第6名。



  Investing is a complex subject. The evaluation and understanding of investment targets, the control and avoidance of investment risks, and the control of investment mentality will all affect investment results. Through the study of the course, students will understand the global financial market and popular investment products, and master the core value investment concept; at the same time, they will consolidate their learning results through practice, and learn how to make practical and scientific capital investment decisions, avoid risks, and strengthen returns, turning into an investment expert from a green hand. The well-known American financial economist and tenured professor at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California will lead students to correctly understand the global financial market through the program, fully understand the design logic of investment products, and deeply grasp the concept of core value investment, enabling to learn how to formulate practical and scientific investment portfolio decisions to obtain reasonable financial investment returns.


  学生将在项目中学习金融机构的职责与功能、核心估值方法、资产定价模型、金融异象与市场风险、各类产品估值与投资策略等知识。课程将重点分析各种投资产品的组合,例如股票、基金、期货期权,甚至包括实体投资例如房地产、贵金属。导师将深度剖析投资定价的模型,对比金融衍生品投资(例如股票期权债券)和银行存款的传统投资方式。项目将带领大家深入股票市场,利用实际数据深度阐述股票和其背后的金融投资方法,结合财务报表数据来分析多个股票的涨跌投资趋势。导师也会对比中美房地产投资的不同,结合自身丰富的投资经验,为学生带来深入浅出的投资理论和实践模拟。课程内容将结合CFA和CAIA认证的投资理论体系,为学生提供最前沿最科学的金融投资分析研究。最终课程将回到投资的本质问题:何时买,何时卖,投资什么? 学生将在项目结束时,在给定的情景下,模拟制定最优的多元化投资决策,提交项目报告,进行成果展示。

  Students will learn the responsibilities and functions of financial institutions, core valuation methods, asset pricing models, financial anomalies and market risks, various product valuations, and investment strategies in the program. The course will focus on the portfolio of investments including stocks, bonds, options and even real estate and gold. Various investment models will be provided. Real stock market data will be introduced to support the analysis of different stocks. The course will apply various financial ratios to provide a clear understanding of each stock and related investments. The professor will also introduce the investment theories regarding CFA and CAIA. At the end of the program, students will simulate the making of optimal diversified investment decisions under a given scenario, submit a project report, and present results.


  金融市场总览与投资理论基础 Introduction of Investment

  核心估值方法详析Approaches to Valuation models and behavior Financial

  资产定价模型详析CAPM, APT and other Asset Pricing Models

  金融财务比率分析Financial Ratio Analysis

  金融分析师课程理论和多维度投资方式 Approaches to CFA/CAIA investment theories and various investments

  金融异象与市场风险详析Anomalies & Risk in many dimensions

  各类产品估值与投资(房地产,黄金,加密货币等)策略详析 Investing and Valuation of Commodities, Collectibles and Cryptocurrency

  项目回顾与成果展示Program Review and Presentation

  论文辅导Project Deliverables Tutoring


  4周在线小组科研学习+2周不限时论文指导学习 共125课时


  优秀学员获主导师Reference Letter






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来源:huanxing 发布于:2024-01-08 16:09






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