开始日期: 2024-03-16
课时安排: 7周在线小组科研学习+5周不限时论文指导学习
适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生
适合专业 (Major): 希望修读商业管理、创业创新学、公共关系、领导力管理和MBA等商科专业的学生
哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University教授
Seth导师在经济贸易和商业管理中的谈判与冲突解决⽅⾯有超过20年的教学经验,曾在达沃斯世界经济论坛、中⼭⼤学和北京⼤学EMBA项⽬中被高薪聘请担任教学指导工作。同时他在商业管理和贸易管理方面的实践经验尤为丰富,其中不乏全球顶级公司的身影:例如他曾为Pepsi百事集团、奢侈品牌拉夫劳伦POLO Ralph Lauren等世界500强公司提供高级咨询和培训。
Seth teaches negotiation and conflict management courses at SIPA and at Columbia Business School. Seth also serves as assistant clinical professor at NYU's Stern School of Business. He also serves as a visiting professor of International Negotiation at several programs abroad, including Bordeaux Ecole de Management (BEM) in France and Zhongshan University's Executive MBA program in Guangzhou, China. He has also taught at Beijing University's Executive MBA program in Beijing and Shenzhen, and the World Economic Forum. Seth also serves as a trainer and consultant on negotiations for organizations such as Avaya, Polo RalphLauren, Seedco, Acumen Fund, and the New York City Board of Education. Seth's columns and op-eds have appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, and the New York Times. His teaching materials have been published by Harvard's Program on Negotiation and are used by its law school and around the world. He holds a JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and an undergraduate degree in economics from Cornell University.
哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)创立于1754年,是一所位于美国纽约曼哈顿的世界著名私立研究型大学,为美国大学协会的十四所创始院校之一,常春藤盟校之一。在多个榜单上排名美国前五,世界前十。哥伦比亚大学是美国历史最悠久的五所大学之一,也是培养诺贝尔奖获得者最多的大学之一,截止2020年10月哥大的校友、教授和研究人员中共产生了96位诺贝尔奖得主。哥伦比亚大学名列2022U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第2名、2022U.S. News世界大学排名第6名、2021U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第3名、2021软科世界大学学术排名第8名、2021CWUR世界大学排名第7位。
In our social life, every independent individual is a negotiator, whether human beings are willing or not. Negotiation exists when discussing business with clients, communicating with colleagues, bargaining, etc. Evaluating the success of negotiation does not depend on the overwhelming victory of one side, but rather on whether the parties can maximize their interests through negotiations and achieve a win-win situation. Success in business negotiations depends greatly on negotiation skills and competencies. The project will help students fully develop their business communication and negotiation skills and lay a good foundation for future career development.
The course is aimed at developing analytical and communication skills that are necessary for successful business negotiations. Negotiation is described as a complex three-stage process that consists of preparation, negotiating, and post-negotiation implementation and evaluation. The course combines both theoretical knowledge of leading negotiation scholars and practical experience through learning by doing. The students will be engaged in business games, training, group discussions, and creative tasks.
基于利益的谈判 Interest-Based Bargaining
核心商业谈判核心技巧 The Most Important Negotiation Skill - Distributive Bargaining
财富创造及互惠 Creating and Claiming Wealth
模拟及谈判结果&过程复盘 Simulation and Measures of Success
项目回顾与成果展示 Program Review and Presentation
论文辅导 Project Deliverables Tutoring
7周在线小组科研学习+5周不限时论文指导学习 共125课时
优秀学员获主导师Reference Letter