开始日期: 2024-07-13
课时安排: 3周专业预修与在线科研+14天面授科研+5周在线论文指导
适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生
适合专业 (Major): 环境生态学、动物生态学、演化生物学、动物地理学等专业或希望修读相关专业的学生
建议选修: 生物学与生命科学
纽约大学 New York University (NYU)终身教授&项目主任
Jeff 导师目前是纽约大学环境研究学教授、生物伦理学、医学伦理学和哲学教授,动物研究M.A.项目主任。同时,他也是纽约大学环境和动物保护中心的执行委员会和纽约大学出版社环境动物系列顾问委员会的成员。他目前的研究重点是生物伦理学、动物伦理学和环境伦理学。最近研究主题包括动物、大流行和气候变化;食物、动物和环境;机构、福祉和道德地位;以及行动主义、倡导和慈善事业的伦理。他与人合著了两本书—“Chimpanzee Rights”和“Food, Animals, and the Environment”。他也是“拯救动物,拯救自己”的作者,动物慈善评估机构的董事会成员,思维动物国际的董事会成员和情感媒体导师。
Prof. Jeff is currently an associate professor of environmental studies, affiliated professor of Bioethics, Medical Ethics, and Philosophy, and Director of the animal studies M.A. Program at New York University. He is also on the executive committee at the NYU Center for Environmental and Animal Protection and the advisory board for the Animals in Context series at NYU Press. His current research focuses on bioethics, animal ethics, and environmental ethics. Recent and upcoming topics include animals, pandemics, and climate change; food, animals, and the environment; agency, well-being, and moral status; and the ethics of activism, advocacy, and philanthropy. He co-authored two books— Chimpanzee Rights and Food, Animals, and the Environment, and he is an author of Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves.He is also a board member at Animal Charity Evaluators, a board member at Minding Animals International, and a mentor at Sentient Media.
纽约大学(NYU)建校于1831年,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,也是全美办学规模最大的名校之一。纽约大学是25所新常春藤院校之一,也是美国大学协会(AAU)成员。截至2018年10月,学校共计拥有37位诺贝尔奖得主(在全球高校中列第18位)、超过30名普利策奖得主、30余名奥斯卡金像奖得主和19名美国科学院勋章得主。2020-2021年度,纽约大学名列QS世界大学排名第35,U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第30。 截至2020年10月,该校的校友、教授及研究人员中产生了38位诺贝尔奖得主(全球第19)、5位菲尔兹奖得主、8位图灵奖得主,以及26名普利策奖得主,37名奥斯卡金像奖得主。
项目将从演化生物学的基础知识入手,探究动物是如何进化的,驯养和野生动物、陆生和水生动物,以及脊椎动物和无脊椎动物之间的区别, 分析动物思考方式,语言、理性、意识和情感。并通过对全球气候变化的调研分析气候变化对动物健康的影响,随后,在动物医学的角度,探究如果对动物开展有效治疗,促进动物健康与人类健康。在项目结束时,学生通过项目内容,开展个性化课题研究,提交项目报告,进行成果展示。
The project will start with the basic knowledge of evolutionary biology, explore how animals evolve, the differences between domesticated and wild animals, terrestrial and aquatic animals, and vertebrates and invertebrates, and analyze how animals think, feel, and behave, self-awareness, social awareness, language, reason, consciousness, and emotion. And through the research on global climate change to analyze the impact of climate change on animal health, and then, from the perspective of veterinary medicine, explore how to carry out effective treatment of animals to promote animal health and human health. At the end of the project, students will carry out personalized research on the project through the content of the project, submit project reports, and display the results.
Suggested Future Research Fields:
Application of animal behavior in medical experimental research
Research progress on behavioral ecology of aquatic animals
Analysis of the genetic structure of two typical indigenous animal populations on the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
进化生物学导论 How have animals evolved and which animals exist?
动物学解析:野生动物、陆生和海洋生物 Wild animals, between terrestrial and aquatic animals
动物意识情感分析:动物们如何思考、感觉和行为,动物的语言、理性、意识和情感 How animals think, feel, and behave, self-awareness, social awareness, language, reason, consciousness, and emotion
气候变化对动物健康的影响 Animals, global health, and climate change
动物健康和动物多样性保护 How humans can protect other animals
项目回顾和成果展示 Program Review and Presentation
论文辅导 Project Deliverables Tutoring
优秀学员获主导师Reference Letter