开始日期: 2024-03-30
课时安排: 7周在线小组科研学习+5周不限时论文指导学习
适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生
适合专业 (Major): 比较文化学、比较文学、文学、历史学、社会学、哲学、西方艺术史等专业或希望修读相关专业的学生;对20世纪欧美文化与文学、后现代主义文化感兴趣的学生
哈佛大学 Harvard University项目主任
Thomas导师现任哈佛大学写作项目主任,已在哈佛执教22年,同时也是哈佛学术信誉委员会、写作与口语委员会、招生与资金资助委员会成员。Thomas导师在Harvard’s Extension School的写作中心任职并授课,曾与美国国家写作项目合作为全美多所高中和大学教授文学课程和写作课程。Thomas导师在Harvard Allston Education Portal设计并落地了哈佛大学第一个社区外展写作和口语计划,同时他也是该委员的成员。导师还在Bedford/St. Martin’s Press出版了多部畅销书籍。
Dr. Thomas is the Sosland Director of the Harvard College Writing Program, where he has taught and administered for the past 22 years. He has served on the Standing Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid, the Committee on Academic Integrity, and the Ad Hoc Committee on Writing and Speaking. He has directed the Harvard Writing Project, a professional development and publications program for faculty members and graduate student instructors across the disciplines at the University. He designed and oversaw Harvard University’s first community outreach writing and speaking program at the Harvard Allston Education Portal, where he now serves as a member of its Advisory Board. He has also directed the writing center for Harvard’s Extension School. He has been a contributing author for a series of best-selling composition textbooks published by Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.
哈佛大学(Harvard University)始建于1636年,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,也是常春藤盟校成员。哈佛大学在学术界享有崇高的地位,并且在世界范围内具有广泛的社会影响力。哈佛大学孕育了8位美国总统,158位诺贝尔奖获得者(世界第一)和18位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第一),在2019/2020年U.S.News世界大学排名位列首位。
拉斯维加斯的霓虹灯大道和模拟的迪斯尼世界,安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)的《汤罐头》(Soup Cans),《星球大战》中(Star Wars)的怀旧科幻,大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie)展现于世人的不断变化的人物形象又或是一本关于一个在消费主义和媒体痴迷时代的社会中的家庭所经历的环境灾难与生活困苦的小说,上述这些都是后现代主义文学、文化的例子,后现代主义是一场艺术和学术理论所驱动的人文运动,也是一段从边缘文化到主流文化的经典发展过程,它始于二战后,在某种程度上于20世纪70年代至90年代达到顶峰,然后又突然的消失了。但后现代主义到底是什么?它真的结束了吗?又是什么让作家、画家、作曲家和建筑师等艺术文化从业者不再认可自身为“现代主义者”,而是把上一代艺术家和思想家视为“形态”压迫和的先锋派?为什么后现代主义文化对真理和人类进步的概念如此充满怀疑?为什么后现代主义既被赞美又被世人所嘲笑?学生将在导师的带领下从以上话题入手,对美国乃至全球20世纪中的后现代主义文学、艺术、文化运动乃至意识形态展开讨论。项目中将列举多部美国文学作品与理论,来讲解后现代主义的特点,后现代主义与现代主义之间的区别,以及其对当今艺术与文化形态的影响,帮助学生进行对20世界美国文学、文化运动和视觉艺术的学术研究。项目将以论文作为最终产出。The neon strip of Las Vegas and the simulations of Disney World, Andy Warhol’s “Soup Cans,” the nostalgic sci-fi of Star Wars, David Bowie’s changing personae, a novel about a family in a consumeristic and media-obsessed society living through an environmental disaster. These are all examples of postmodernism, a movement in the arts and academic theory and period of cultural development that began after World War II and, some would say, peaked in the 1970s through 1990s and then disappeared. But what exactly was postmodernism? And is it actually over? What were writers, painters, composers, and architects creating that made them no longer “modernists,” but rather an avant-garde that viewed the previous generation of artists and thinkers as oppressive and naive? Why was postmodernist culture so skeptical of claims about truth and progress? Why has postmodernism been both so celebrated and derided? In this course, we will sample a number of North American cultural works and theories to identify postmodernism’s characteristics, its differences from and indebtedness to modernism, its rejection of conventional realism, and its implications for arts and politics today. This course will provide a useful foundation for understanding 20th-century U.S. culture and engaging with academic arguments about literary and visual texts.
Introducing the concepts of postmodernism; periodizing the movement
Defining realism and the function of art
Distinguishing postmodernism from modernism (and distinguishing modernism from realism)
Postmodernist Cultural Texts: Art, Architecture, and Music
Marginalized voices, new histories; nostalgia
Program review and presentation
7周在线小组科研学习+5周不限时论文指导学习 共125课时
优秀学员获主导师Reference Letter