开始日期: 2024-07-06
课时安排: 3周专业预修与在线科研+14天面授科研+5周在线论文指导
适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生
适合专业 (Major): 意向修读传媒专业、电影制作专业、文化创意产业,艺术管理等方向的学生
纽约大学 New York University (NYU)正教授&项目主任
Paul导师现任纽约大学史登商学院教授,曾在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)、哥伦比亚大学、加州大学圣迭戈分校(UCSD)等世界著名学府客座演讲。并且担任NYU Stern商学院Entertainment, Media & Technology (EMT) Program(交叉学科项目)项目主任。Paul导师有着丰富的传媒行业从业经验。他创立和经营了环球影业(Universal Picture; 全球电影大型制作商;好莱坞历史最久的公司之一)旗下独立电影厂牌Universal Focus,曾负责环球影业战略规划,推出新业务和塑造工作室长期发展规划,还曾在华纳兄弟担任高级职位。Paul导师也曾担任多篇电影的制片人,其中最知名的包括《Max&Mary》,曾获2009年法国昂锡国际动画影展最佳动画长片奖,柏林国际电影节水晶熊奖及渥太华国际动画电影节最高奖,豆瓣评分8.9分。
Prof. Paul is currently a Clinical Professor of Marketing at New York University Stern School of Business. He has guest lectured at the University of California Los Angeles, The American Film Institute, Columbia University, Temple University and the University of California at San Diego. He founded and ran Universal Focus, the independent film label of Universal Pictures. He also created Universal Pictures’ library management program, overseeing the restoration and re-issue of Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window and the re-edit of Orson Welles’s Touch of Evil. Prior to Universal Focus, he oversaw strategic planning for Universal Pictures, which included launching new businesses and helping shape the Studio’s long-term strategy. He has also held senior positions at Warner Brothers and Turner Broadcasting.
纽约大学(NYU)建校于1831年,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学。NYU在U.S. News市场营销硕士项目全美排名第三、综排全美TOP30。纽约大学是25所新常春藤院校之一,也是美国大学协会(AAU)成员。截至2018年10月,学校共计拥有37位诺贝尔奖得主(在全球高校中列第18位)、超过30名普利策奖得主、30余名奥斯卡金像奖得主和19名美国科学院勋章得主。
该课程旨在为学生提供一个全面的框架,以理解在娱乐和媒体行业的电影/电视制作流程,包括从创意到产品成型,以及商业模式的探索,影视作品的发行与营销。学生将集合艺术审美以及商业运营两方面的知识,学习从故事概念定位,剧本开发,项目立项等流程的运作及影视艺术管理。The program is designed to provide students with a framework for understanding the dynamics of producing (as a business profession) a finished creative product in the entertainment and media industries, developing a business model, and generating an income stream to repay and provide investors with a profit. Educates the student in the process of feature film and long-form television production from the initial concept of the story, through script development, to completion of the project.
项目开发流程 Producing as an Entrepreneurial Venture: The Development Process
影视项目的团队招募与资源配置 Building the Foundation of a film project
剧集融资计划 Project finance
影视项目交易与预售 The Deal – Selling the film before shooting & Production
电影发行与营销推广 Positioning the Completed Project for Sales to Distributors & Marketing and Distribution
项目回顾与成果展示 Program Review and Presentation
论文辅导 Project Deliverables Tutoring
优秀学员获主导师Reference Letter